How to Get a Big Bench Press - A Negative Bench Press Technique

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There comes a time, when every lifter reaches a plateau. One of the most effective way to move through this phase and increase bench strength is to use negative reps routine.

In no way this method is suitable for beginners! At the beginning, your primary goal is to learn the proper bench press technique and use regular methods to stimulate the muscles for natural growth and strength.

That being said, if you’ve been working out for some time and noticed your muscles and strength are in a plateau stage, negative bench may be just what you need.

The principle of this technique is very simple – to stimulate muscle and strength growth through the use of unusually heavy bench weights. Unlike during regular bench press routines, this technique does not require you to actually press the weight up. Instead, you concentrate on the lowering phase, using as slow of a motion as you can.

To use this technique properly, you will absolutely positively need and experienced (and strong) spot partner. After throughout warm up, lay down on the bench as you normally do, however the bench weight is 50-60lbs higher than your maximum for one rep! Lift the bar from the rack with a help of your spot. Lock your elbows, and then, slowly let the weight down, until it touches your chest. The lowering phase should last at least 5 seconds. Then, with a help of your spot partner, lift the bar up until your elbow locks.

The typical rep count for this bench press technique is 5-8, in 3-5 series, but the actual numbers depend on your experience.

Negative bench press technique overloads your body with huge weights, giving a great new stimulus for your muscle growth and increase of bench press strength. Additionally, it breaks a psychological barrier, when you need to work out with weights that you know are beyond your current abilities, making you more comfortable to test new limits in the future. It is a great exercise and should be a part of every lifter’s bench press routines to break through a plateau stage.

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